Weighted Least Squares and the Pseudo-Inverse

Posted in engineering by Christopher R. Wirz on Mon May 19 2008

The least squares problem shows that the series of equations

\tilde{y}_{m \times 1} = H_{m \times n} \cdot \hat{x}_{n \times 1}

mapping H inputs to y measurements using x model parameters has the analytical solution

\hat{x}_{n \times 1} = \left(H ^T H \right )^{-1}_{n \times n} H^T_{n \times m} \cdot \tilde{y}_{m \times 1}

We did this by defining the residual as

r_{m \times 1} = \underbrace{\tilde{y}}_{\text{measured}}-\underbrace{\hat{y}}_{\text{estimated}} = \tilde{y}_{m \times 1} - H_{m \times n} \cdot \hat{x}_{n \times 1}

And minimizing the residual sum squared.

J_{1 \times 1} = \frac{1}{2} \cdot \left( r^T_{1 \times m} \cdot r_{m \times 1} \right)

Now we look to apply a weighting matrix (with non-zero values along the diagonal) to emphasize or de-emphasize the certain calculated residuals.

W_{m \times m} = \begin{bmatrix} w_0 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & w_1 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & \ddots & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & w_{m-1} \end{bmatrix}

such that the residual sum squared becomes

J_{1 \times 1} = \frac{1}{2} \cdot \left( r^T_{1 \times m} \cdot W_{m \times m} \cdot r_{m \times 1} \right)

To minimize the residual sum squared, we need to find where the derivative is zero. This time we're going to use the chain rule to do it

\frac {\partial J}{\partial x}_{1 \times n} = \frac {\partial J}{\partial r}_{1 \times m} \frac {\partial r}{\partial x}_{m \times n}
\frac {\partial J}{\partial r} = \frac{1}{2} \cdot\frac {\partial }{\partial r} \left( r^T_{1 \times m} \cdot W_{m \times m} \cdot r_{m \times 1} \right) = \frac{1}{2} \cdot r^T_{1 \times m} \cdot \left( W_{m \times m} + W^T_{m \times m} \right)


\frac {\partial r}{\partial x} = \frac {\partial }{\partial x} \left( \tilde{y}_{m \times 1} - H_{m \times n} \cdot \hat{x}_{n \times 1} \right) = - H_{m \times n}

Such that

\frac {\partial J}{\partial r}_{1 \times m} \frac {\partial r}{\partial x}_{m \times n} = \left( \frac{1}{2} \cdot r^T_{1 \times m} \cdot \left( W_{m \times m} + W^T_{m \times m} \right) \right)_{1 \times m} \cdot \left( - H_{m \times n} \right)

Which combined becomes

\frac {\partial J}{\partial r} \frac {\partial r}{\partial x} = - \frac{1}{2} \cdot\left( r^T_{1 \times m} \cdot \left(W_{m \times m} + W^T_{m \times m}\right) \cdot H_{m \times n} \right)

And substituting back in...

\frac {\partial J}{\partial x} = - \frac{1}{2} \cdot\left( \left(\tilde{y}_{m \times 1} - H_{m \times n} \cdot \hat{x}_{n \times 1} \right )^T_{1 \times m} \cdot \left(W_{m \times m} + W^T_{m \times m}\right) \cdot H_{m \times n} \right)

Applying the transpose rules

\frac {\partial J}{\partial x} = - \frac{1}{2} \cdot\left( \left(\tilde{y}^T_{1 \times m} - \hat{x}^T_{1 \times n} \cdot H^T_{n \times m} \right )_{1 \times m} \cdot \left(W_{m \times m} + W^T_{m \times m}\right) \cdot H_{m \times n} \right)

And clean up the negative sign

\frac {\partial J}{\partial x} = \frac{1}{2} \cdot \left( \hat{x}^T_{1 \times n} \cdot H^T_{n \times m} - \tilde{y}^T_{1 \times m} \right )_{1 \times m} \cdot \left(W_{m \times m} + W^T_{m \times m}\right) \cdot H_{m \times n}

Such that we can assume the derivative to be 0 and build the equation

\hat{x}^T_{1 \times n} \cdot H^T_{n \times m} \cdot \left(W + W^T\right) \cdot H_{m \times n} = \tilde{y}^T_{1 \times m} \cdot \left(W + W^T\right) \cdot H_{m \times n}

Taking the transpose of both sides preserves equality

H^T_{n \times m} \cdot \left(W^T + W\right) \cdot H_{m \times n} \cdot \hat{x}_{n \times 1} = H^T_{n \times m} \cdot \left(W^T + W\right) \cdot \tilde{y}_{m \times 1}

And finally we can solve for the x parameters.

\hat{x}_{n \times 1} = \left( H^T \cdot \left(W^T + W\right) \cdot H \right )^{-1}_{n \times n} \cdot H^T_{n \times m} \cdot \left(W^T + W\right) \cdot \tilde{y}_{m \times 1}

If W indeed only has elements along its diagonal

\hat{x}_{n \times 1} = \frac{1}{2} \left( H^T \cdot W \cdot H \right )^{-1}_{n \times n} \cdot H^T_{n \times m} \cdot \left(2 \cdot W\right) \cdot \tilde{y}_{m \times 1}

And simplifies to

\hat{x}_{n \times 1} = \left( H^T \cdot W \cdot H \right )^{-1}_{n \times n} \cdot H^T_{n \times m} \cdot W \cdot \tilde{y}_{m \times 1}