Net SNMP 5.9 in Docker

Posted in software by Christopher R. Wirz on Fri Aug 21 2020

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a widely used protocol for monitoring the health and welfare of network equipment (eg. routers), computer equipment and even devices like UPSs. Net-SNMP is a suite of applications used to implement SNMP v1, SNMP v2c and SNMP v3 using both IPv4 and IPv6.

Note: This uses the latest release of apt-get install snmpd is currently below 5.9 and does not come with AES192/256.

I wanted to be able to test SNMPv3 AES256 on my network and didn't want to shell out money for an enterprise router - so I turned to Docker. If you haven't installed Docker already, give it a try.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli

Docker has the advantage of creating a container for your every need - such that anything you do inside your container won't affect the host operating system. What's nice is that everything can be done through infrastructure as code (IaC). (I personally like code comments). I don't have to share an entire image with you, just a Dockerfile.

# Dockerfile
FROM ubuntu:latest

# A little bit about using this Dockerfile...
# First, make sure snmpd.conf (in the current directory) is correct
# Run this image as follows: 
#	docker build -t net_snmp_image .
#	docker run -dit --name net_snmp_container -p 161:161/udp --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/snmpdconf net_snmp_image
# If you want to get to the command prompt
#	docker exec -it net_snmp_container /bin/bash
# Where you can test the service by walking
#	/netsnmp/5.9/linux-gcc3/bin/snmpwalk -v3 -On -l authPriv -u md5aes128 -a MD5 -A "<auth>" -x AES256C -X "<privacy>"
# You can also test cisco devices using this approach
# When you're done, shut it down and remove it
#	docker stop net_snmp_container && docker rm net_snmp_container
# Now to set everything up so we can do all this

# Install the necessary components
RUN apt update > /dev/null && \
    apt install -y apt-utils > /dev/null && \
    apt install -y wget file gcc make openssl libssl-dev libperl-dev snmp-mibs-downloader > /dev/null 

# Get the source code and extract it
RUN wget && tar -xzvf v5.9.tar.gz && \
    mkdir -p /netsnmp/5.9/linux-gcc3 && mv v5.9.tar.gz /netsnmp/5.9/v5.9.tar.gz && \
    cd /netsnmp/5.9 && \
    tar -xzvf v5.9.tar.gz && cd net-snmp-5.9

# Compile netsmp and link output to the local commands
RUN  cd /netsnmp/5.9/net-snmp-5.9 && \
        ./configure  --prefix="/netsnmp/5.9/linux-gcc3" \
            --with-mib-modules=agentx \
            --with-transports="UDP UDPIPv6 TCP DTLSUDP" \
            --with-security-modules="tsm" \
            --disable-embedded-perl \
            --enable-mini-agent \
            --with-default-snmp-version="3" \
            --enable-ipv6 \
            --disable-debugging \
            --with-sys-contact="" \
            --with-sys-location="The cloud" \
            --with-persistent-directory="/var/net-snmp" \
            --with-logfile="/var/log/snmpd.log" \
            --without-perl-modules \
            --without-python-modules \
            --disable-shared \
            --enable-static \
            --with-pic \
            --with-cc="gcc" CC="gcc" CFLAGS="-m64" \
            --enable-blumenthal-aes && \
    make 2>&1 | tee make.log && \
    make install && \
    ln -s /netsnmp/5.9/linux-gcc3/sbin/* /usr/local/sbin/ 

# Expose the snmp port
EXPOSE 161/udp

# Run snmpd
CMD [ "/usr/local/sbin/snmpd", "-Dmib_init", "-f", "-Lo", "-c", "/snmpdconf/snmpd.conf" ]    

That's it! You should be up and running with net-snmp 5.9. You might have to add an exception like

sudo ufw allow 161

to allow SNMP traffic through the firewall on the host, but otherwise enjoy your test SNMP setup.